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HomeTutorialsHow To Set Up User Profiles in OroCRM

How To Set Up User Profiles in OroCRM

| msarandi
Video Tutorials

Welcome to OroCRM’s video tutorial series. Today we’ll be demonstrating how to set up your profile on OroCrm.

User Profiles contain fields for information such as name and username, birthday, email and avatar. For this demonstration, I’m going to show you how to update this basic information. Keep in mind that some settings are only available for setup through the administrator account, depending on permissions set for the logged in user.

  1. Navigate to the top right hand corner of the screen, click on your username and use the drop down box to select My User.
  2. When the user’s profile record displays, click the edit button in the top right hand corner of the screen.

The user profile record has several configurable sections which you can see by either scrolling down or using the links at the top of the page header.

The General section includes name, birthday, avatar, email and phone information.

The Additional section has a field to enter the user’s title.

Click on Groups and Roles to configure Groups and Roles.  Users must have the Configure Users permission and have access to change settings under My Configuration.

Access settings allow users to configure Organization and Organizational Business Units – The logged in user must have the update user profile settings permission to change or update this information.

Click on the password link to change your password.

After you have finished configuring your profile, click the save and close button in the top right hand corner of the screen.

The page reloads and you are back at your user profile.
Thanks for watching!

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