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Forums Forums OroCRM OroCRM – How do I? Questions What does "Email synchronization settings" allow?

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    What is the “Email synchronization settings” intended for? Automatically fetch emails from my account and show them in the account/contacts details page?

    I’m trying to tie my google apps account to OroCRM but have no idea if it works or not as there is no feedback from the UI. I filled up the “Email synchronization settings” information with :
    Port: 993
    Requires SSL:Yes
    User and PW
    Sofar, I have no feedback from the UI and see no emails showing up in contacts and/or accounts.

    Thanks for your help,

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  • #28157

    Alexandr Smaga

    Hello @jvonlanthen!

    Yes, it does what you said. When settings are filled and saved for user, emails will be fetched automatically by cron job. For this purposes you need to configure system cron task for OroCRM
    */1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /path/to/app/console --env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null



    Thanks a lot @smaga!

    I have got some additional comprehension questions :
    – Where are then emails supposed to show up? In Accounts=>Activities=>Emails and Contacts=>Activities=>Emails ?
    – What about Leads=>Activies=>Emails and Opportunities=>Activities=>Emails?
    – How many mails will the system fetch? I have a big mailbox with emails from many years back…
    – Will those mails show up for me only or will any OroCRM user be able to see them as well?


    Dima Soroka
      Email synchronization syncs only emails that have relation to your contacts and after sync you should see them on user view and contact view pages.
      Lead and opportunity emails currently will show only emails that were sent form correspondent entity pages.
      As i mentioned above, sync will fetch only emails related to your contacts, not entire inbox.
      Emails will be available based on ACL setup for user and account (if somebody else can view your user or contact they will see emails as well).


    Hey guys, we can’t seem to get email sync working. Everything seems to be setup, but it’s not syncing.
    Question, when I enter email password under the email sync settings for individual users, the password disappears. Is this built-in security measure or password is not being stored?



    Dima Soroka

    Password disappear for security purposes. Please check if you have crontab configured for following command:

    It it is configured please describe what you have done so we’ll be able to reproduce the issue.



    Hi Dima, yes we do have cron setup. Like Jonas, I’m trying to sync Google Apps email.*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/public/crm.domain.com/public_html/crm-application/app/console --env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null

    We thought that blocked 993 port was the issue, but after opening it the issue still persists. We also do have php-imap installed.

    Are there any specific requirements for email sync to work that a regular LAMP server might not have?



    Thanks a lot @Soroka!

    Emails will be available based on ACL setup for user and account (if somebody else can view your user or contact they will see emails as well).

    Mmmh I need to understand better how it works.
    – Let’s imagine my mom is in our oro contacts database.
    – Let’s imagine my colleagues can view my mom’s contact (as it is our company contacts db) but cannot see my user details

    In the OroCRM contact details page, will my colleagues see the mails I sent to my mom about the last family barbecue? :)


    Dima Soroka

    @victor – can you please check logs for oro:cron:imap-sync command under “System > Job Queue” and errors logs?

    @jvonlanthen – yes, your colleagues will be able to see communication context around your mom contact as it could be important for future communication (for example everyone will be aware about last family barbecue and will not ask this question many times).



    Hey Dima, I checked and it’s empty. No records there. Does that mean cron isn’t running properly?



    This is a great feature especially because it is fully automated but I think it needs to be possible to black list users and it must be easy to remove specific emails. Either way, there must be some way to control what gets synced to OroCRM.

    Some other possibilities:
    * require explicitly CCing (or forwarding to) a dedicated imap box
    * require some keyword in the subject



    * require explicitly CCing (or forwarding to) a dedicated imap box

    This would definitely be a very nice way to improve email integration. Sales teams can therefore easily choose what need be recorded or not in the CRM. It seems to be a feature of other standards CRMs (at least some I tested).

    Is this somewhere on OroCRM’s roadmap?


    Dima Soroka

    Thanks for your feedback, guys.

    We have “CRM Inbox” item on our roadmap and will take your ideas into account during implementation.

    @victor – output should not be empty, please check if you have anything in error log files.



    Hi Dima,
    I checked our error logs, there’s nothing there really. Some errors related to cache folder from few days ago, but no errors right now. This is our server error log.



    IF emails exist in the inbox BUT no customer exists in CRM
    THEN no import of email or create contact.

    IF customer created in CRM
    THEN all emails in the inbox to that contact will be sucked into the profile when the job runs.
    …even if the customer isn’t created in CRM for a few months or even years.

    Is this correct?


    Tom Holland

    @viktor (hopefully you solved this by now!) & perhaps others trying to troubleshoot the Job Queue,

    Depending on your OS, you might need to include a username in your cron entry as well.

    On CentOS 7.1 my cron entry needs to be like this:

    Without the root username, it does not work.

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