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Forums Forums Oro Community Rest api – Response different Error

This topic contains 25 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Mike Kudelya 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Creator
  • #24424

    Hi guys,

    While I was using Sandbox for querying account details, I am getting no contacts(child objects) related to the account despite related contacts are still there. I am using Community Portal and the request I am giving using the type:plain in api/doc. Help would be appreciated.

    Below is the response I am getting:

    “name”: “A. L. Price”,
    “createdAt”: “2016-08-31T08:26:51+00:00”,
    “updatedAt”: “2016-10-05T05:57:31+00:00”,
    “owner”: “gene.william_86ce0”,
    “contacts”: {},
    “defaultContact”: “Mr. Jerry Coleman”,
    “organization”: “CRMIT”,
    “referredBy”: null,
    “OpportunityDetails”: {}

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)
  • Author
  • #24425

    Mike Kudelya


    What version of oro are you using ? I have tried your case on 1.10.6, sandbox returned me contacts. Does orocrm_account_to_contact contain relations ? My Account edit page, api response.


    I am using this endPointURL : api/rest/latest/accounts and how can I use filter and sort while querying?


    And I am not able to get a response when using this endPointURL : localhost/api/accounts?filter[id]=12 from my Java Code, I am using retrofit library??


    And I am not able to get a response when using this endPointURL : localhost/api/accounts?filter[id]=12 from my Java Code, I am using retrofit library??


    Mike Kudelya

    When you are trying localhost/api/accounts url, does it return any response ?
    Try to get response via curl, here i described how you can do it.


    Thanks Mike Kudelya for help on this topic.

    Can I get some resources on how to do Patch and Post operations in Java for Rest Api calls in ORO Crm?
    I am using retrofit jar and both Patch as well as Post method is working fine in the sandbox but when I am trying to do the same in Java it’s throwing Bad Request Error. Steps I am following to carry out the Patch/ Post method on ORO Entity..

    1. Generating X-WSSE authorization.
    2. Setting Content-Type as “application/vnd.api+json”.
    3. Sending the Body part as String.
    4. The target endPoint URL is like localhost/api/{entity}.

    Please refer below for the Patch method I am trying to execute:

    RequestBody requestBody = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse(“application/vnd.api+json”), msg);
    Call<List<OroClient.OroContacts>> call = client.updateContact(id, requestBody);

    “Accept: application/vnd.api+json”,
    “Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json”
    Call<List<OroContacts>> updateContact(@Path(“id”) String id, @Body RequestBody requestBody);

    msg is the string variable containing the Body part. Its like:


    Id id the id of the contact I have to update.

    Please note the same is working fine in api/doc as well as in the Rest Client.


    Mike Kudelya


    I am not familiar with java and android, but as i understood when you got ‘Bad Request’, api call hasn’t been done, request is forming before call. I think you should check our configuration of retrofit. Correct me if i’m wrong.

    I would like to say that if you want to determine any errors on oro side you should look at oro logs (/app/logs) If there won’t success i suggest you install xdebug and check patchAction. Also i can deep inside $processor->process(..)



    From where I can go through the configuration of retrofit done for ORO?



    I went through the app/logs and I am getting this error message: Invalid json message received
    What’s wrong with my json message?


    Mike Kudelya

    Replace 119 line of /vendor/friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle/FOS/RestBundle/EventListener/BodyListener.php and set:


    Please show me full exception message with $content variable.


    The message for $content is :

    Invalid json message received <\”{\\\”data\\\”:{\\\”type\\\”:\\\”contacts\\\”,\\\”id\\\”:\\\”3\\\”,\\\”attributes\\\”:{\\\”middleName\\\”:\\\”FSP\\\”}}}\”>


    One more thing Mike, do we need to send JsonArray or JsonObject?


    Mike Kudelya

    When i print $content variable

    result is:

    content: <{“data”:{“type”:”contacts”,”id”:”1″,”attributes”:{“middleName”:”FSP3″}}}>

    maybe in your json contains extra slash \
    try to remove it before $decoder->decode($content); call:


    Mike Kudelya

    One more thing Mike, do we need to send JsonArray or JsonObject?

    In my case it is object


    Thanks Mike, I will just check whether it is working or not and let you know ASAP?

    By the way, at what time slot you are able to go through these queries?

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