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Forums Forums Oro Community Magento Order sync problem

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Burley 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Creator
  • #24569



    I have make the Channels in fresh magento 1.7 to fresh OroCrm in my local(linux).

    I have get all Magento Customers in orocrm but did’t get Magento order.

    I have try “php app/console oro:cron:integration:sync –integration-id=1 -v
    ” command and check the logs it give me response all the time.

    [86.00 MiB/86.00 MiB] Loading Customer info by id: 6
    [86.00 MiB/86.00 MiB] Loading Customer info by id: 7
    [86.00 MiB/86.00 MiB] Loading Customer by id: 7
    [86.00 MiB/86.00 MiB] Looking for batch

    Once i removed my Magento Customer and run above command then it sync order data and display in orocrm.

    Again i try to add new Customer and added order for that Customer. and run above command, it sync new customer but not get the Magento Order why?

    Please replay me ASAP.

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  • Author
  • #24570

    Mike Kudelya


    Please add the following command to crontab:

    The command runs command “oro:cron:integration:sync…” and initial magento sync command “oro:magento:initial:sync –integration-id=1” if needed.

    Do not forget run message queue consumer in background.




    Thank you for your valuable response.Now it will sync new customer and order magento to orocrm.



    Hi Mike, I have the same problem with Orocrm running on my local windows 8.1 connected with magento The Orocrm bridge is uploaded to magento correctly. The connection is established succesfully. The crons are succesfully added Orocrm that are shown in Scheduled Tasks in orocrm too, but only the job list in orocrm stays empty therefore nothing gets imported from magento, even tried full resync:

    Crons adeded for orocrm:
    schtasks /create /sc hourly /st 00:15 /tn mauticCronJob01 /tr “C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/php/bin/php C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/apps/mautic/htdocs/app/console mautic:segments:update –env=prod” /ru “System”
    schtasks /create /sc hourly /st 00:20 /tn mauticCronJob02 /tr “C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/php/bin/php C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/apps/mautic/htdocs/app/console mautic:campaigns:update –env=prod” /ru “System”
    schtasks /create /sc hourly /st 00:25 /tn mauticCronJob03 /tr “C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/php/bin/php C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/apps/mautic/htdocs/app/console mautic:campaigns:trigger –env=prod” /ru “System”
    schtasks /create /sc hourly /st 00:35 /tn mauticCronJob04 /tr “C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/php/bin/php C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/apps/mautic/htdocs/app/console mautic:emails:send –env=prod” /ru “System”
    schtasks /create /sc hourly /st 00:45 /tn mauticCronJob05 /tr “C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/php/bin/php C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/apps/mautic/htdocs/app/console mautic:webhooks:process –env=prod” /ru “System”

    Tried this command in CMD:
    */1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/php /C:/Bitnami/orocrm-2.2.2-0/console –env=prod oro:cron >> /dev/null in CMD gives me error: the system cannot find the path specifid.

    Much appreciated….been busy with it a couple of weeks. Would love to give orocrm a spin with magento integrated.

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