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Forums Forums OroCRM Magento Bridge Initial Import Fail

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  konstantin.z1 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Creator
  • #30735


    we have an issue while initial magento import.
    We ‘ ve spent about 3 weeks trying to figure our the reason, but unsuccessful.
    After staring of import not all entities are imported.
    Full Resync didn’t help as well.

    Here is technical info about env:
    1. Application related information:
    OroCRM v.2.3.6 (more detail info: https://www.screencast.com/t/QDZM2fZPfi)

    Application Edition: Community
    2. Environment related information:
    Nginx 1.12.1
    Mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.18-16, for Linux (x86_64) using 6.2
    PHP 7.0.22
    Cent OS

    3. Magento side:
    Magento СE
    Installed Oro API 1.2.16
    Magento Settings:
    WS-I mode:off
    WSDL Cache: On

    How we setup an integration.
    1. System – Channels – Create Channel – Magento Channel type
    Enable two way sync = Yes(checked)
    Remote Wins

    2. Click at Save And Close green button for Channel.
    After that the sync process started.

    Looked into integration statuses
    It says only 2 customers were imported, and no orders / carts / newsletter subscriptions were imported.
    Also I can’t see here initial Order and initial Cart connectors. Why?

    Looked into table oro_integration_channel_statuses, there are weird data column values:

    connector: customer_initial
    message: [IMPORT] Stats: read [2], processed [2], updated [2], added [0], deleted [0], invalid entities: [0]
    date: 2017-09-22 08:50:42
    data: {“lastSyncItemDate”:”2017-09-22 08:24:40″}

    connector: customer_initial
    message: [IMPORT] Stats: read [2], processed [2], updated [2], added [0], deleted [0], invalid entities: [0]
    date: 2017-09-22 2017-09-22 08:55:38
    data: {“lastSyncItemDate”:”2017-09-22 08:24:40″}

    connector: customer_initial
    message: [IMPORT] Stats: read [2], processed [2], updated [2], added [0], deleted [0], invalid entities: [0]
    date: 2017-09-22 09:00:45
    data: {“lastSyncItemDate”:”2017-09-22 08:24:40″}

    So the data left unchanged.

    More tech details:
    I added some log into Magento Extensoin (oro api), in file Oro_Api_Model_Customer_Api :: items()
    They show that filters were:
    website_id in 1
    created_at from 2017-09-08 08:24:40 to 2017-09-22 08:24:40
    And these calls are the same, date interval stay unchanged. Why?

    Also in magento log file I see calls with filters( for customers)
    website_id in 1
    updated_at from 2017-09-22 08:15:18 to 2017-09-22 08:15:05 (delta is 13 sec)

    website_id in 1
    updated_at from 2017-09-22 08:10:20 to 2017-09-22 08:15:46 (delta is 5 min)

    website_id in 1
    updated_at from 2017-09-22 08:10:55 to 2017-09-22 08:20:06 (delta is 10 min)

    Is time delta floating a normal behaviour ?

    Please advice, is it a Oro bug or our missconfiguration ?
    Is it imortant Server time (time at web server) shold be the same at mysqld internal time? Shoudl we adjust timezones ?

    Thanks in advance, waiting for your reply with impatience.

    Looked into code, tried to figure out how it works at all, have small questions:

    What lastSyncItemDate, initialSyncedTo config vars stand for in job execution ?
    What minSyncDate var means for iterator?

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  • Author
  • #30736


    Also attach some data about execution:



    If need extra info from DB table, please feel free to ask it

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