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Forums Forums OroPlatform OroPlatform – How do I? Questions Install the OROCRM ContactBundle in the platform

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Mike Kudelya 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #36267

    Alex Barylski

    I have installed the platform using the standard installation menthods…I downloaded 1.9 of the OROCRM and pulled the /OroCRM/Bundle/ContactBundle out and copies into the /src/OroCRM/Bundle/ContactBundle

    I then called composer update to resolve any dependencies – or so I thought.

    Can anyone walk me through the process?

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  • #36268


    You should register your bundle either in AppKernel or via the oro/bundles.yml but…
    why do you want to rip a bundle manually? It is definitely not the way to go.

    You should add both platform and crm (or just crm, since platform is required by default) to the composer dependencies.


    Alex Barylski

    Not sure how I edit a forum topic but anyway…

    I found this:


    The ContactBundle has some dependencies…does this make it impossible to install separately? I’d rather not start with the CRM and disable extensions…but if that is the only option???


    Mike Kudelya


    I think that the most simple what you can do it is copy AccountBundle, ActivityContactBundle and ContactBundle to src directory. I mentioned three bundles because they have high dependency. Delete directories prod, dev there /app/cache and run:

    I have already tested this case and it works.
    Further you can disable Account menu there src/OroCRM/Bundle/AccountBundle/Resources/config/navigation.yml

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