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Forums Forums OroPlatform OroPlatform – How do I? Questions How to create a owner search dropdownbox

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  • #35696



    I created a new entity called projects. A project has an owner which a want to select from a fancy search dropdownbox. This search dropdownbox is also used for setting a owner to an account. I was looking in AccountBundle:Resources:views:Account:update.html.twig but I could not find any relation with the dropdown although it is used there. How can i use this fancy search dropdownbox?

    Thanking in advance

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  • #35697

    Alexandr Smaga


    You have to configure your entity’s ownership type(see doc), after that you have to run php app/console oro:entity-config:update to apply configuration.

    When those steps done Oro/Bundle/OrganizationBundle/Form/Extension/OwnerFormExtension.php will add dropdown automatically.(please ensure that your templated extends OroUIBundle/action/update.html.twig or use oro_form_process twig function when renders the form)



    Thanks, is it also possible to use this dropdownbox with my own custom entity instead of User, Business Unit or Organization?


    Alexandr Smaga

    Yes you can! See doc. Also you can refer to some existing form types(for example this one)



    I configured my entity’s ownership like you said and everyting works. Although I got a little bug. The create and update pagine do not show the correct names of my entity its fields. It shows Twm.Orocrm.Project.TwmProjects.Code.Label* instead where project is my bundle, TwmProjects my enitity and Code is a field of TwmProjects. How is this possible and how to fix this?



    Pagine should be page*


    Alexandr Smaga

    Just add this string to translation file



    Is there a way to undo this? I removed everyting I added, but the organisation bundle keeps asking for the getOwner method eventhough I removed owner completly

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