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Forums Forums OroCRM OroCRM – How do I? Questions How do I stop creating new contact when syncing Magento?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Jaimy 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #29185



    I noticed that when syncing magento and it creates new customers – automatically a new contact is created and linked to it. I feel the contact record is redundant and wasting space and time to sync. How do I stop the cron from creating them?

    I looked around and found process.yml had this definition magento_customer_creation which I think was doing it so I override it in my bundle and made the enabled: false but it’s still creating the contacts.

    Please advise.

    Thank you!

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  • Author
  • #29186


    Hi @oro_newbie,

    depending on wether you want to disable creating accounts as well, you can actually deactivate the process through the GUI. If you go to ‘System –> Processes’ and look for the ‘Create Account and Contact for Magento Customer’ process, you can actually deactivate it. This should prevent creating Accounts and Contacts once a Magento Customer has been created.

    Hope this helps!

    Kind Regards,

    Jaimy Casteleijn




    Thanks! Didn’t know it was so simple. If by chance I want accounts record to be created but not contacts, what do you think I must do?



    Hi @oro_newbie,

    Yes it is! Sometimes there are simple solutions which don’t require any code changes :D.
    So what I think you could do if you still want to have the creation of the Accounts, is creating a new process which merely focusses on the creation of the Accounts when a Magento Customer comes in. The easiest way to do this (probably), is creating a new process and model it after the original ‘Create Account and Contact for Magento Customer’ process, but leaving out the creation of Customers.

    After creating the new process or modify existing ones, you should reload your processes into the application, meaning that if you don’t it will not take any effect until you do. Reloading the processes into the application is easy, as long as you can work with the terminal :). Running the following command will actually reload the processes for you:
    app/console oro:process:configuration:load

    Hope this helps!

    Kind Regards,

    Jaimy Casteleijn



    Hi @Jaimy,

    Thank you! I’m going to give it a go :)



    Hi @oro_newbie,

    You’re welcome! Good luck!

    Kind Regards,

    Jaimy Casteleijn

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