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Forums Forums OroCRM OroCRM – Installation/Technical Issues or Problems Email Synchronization Issues

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  • Creator
  • #27771


    Hi all,

    Struggling to get OroCRM synchronized with IMAP email folders. I’m using a vanilla IMAP server (not Gmail). I have no trouble connecting to said vanilla IMAP server using iPhone client, Windows Outlook client. OroCRM indicates connection successful, and displays available IMAP folders. I select all folders, click “Save Settings”, but no emails anywhere.

    No indication in prod.log of any issues. Are there any other logs I can review?

    I did add oro:cron to crontabs (as user bitnami), and I’m logging output:
    */1 * * * * /opt/bitnami/php/bin/php /opt/bitnami/apps/orocrm/htdocs/app/console oro:cron –env prod >> /opt/bitnami/apps/orocrm/htdocs/app/logs/cron.log

    Script appears to run once per minute as specified.

    Going to Orocrm > System > Jobs shows nothing, no stuck jobs, but nothing. Feels like a list of completed/successful jobs should be showing here, how can I check/confirm this?

    Going to Orocrm > System > Processes shows everything activated.

    OroCRM, 2.2.2, Community
    Debian 8.9, Apache/2.4.25, MySQL 5.7.18, PHP 7.0.20
    Deployed using Google Cloud Launcher and prepackaged Bitnami stack.

    Note, since GC disallows port 465 (SMTP), I’m syncing IMAP for individual users, using 993. For sending emails in general I’m using Sendgrid SMTP through port 2525, and that works just fine.

    I’ve hit the wall; don’t what else to try, other than a different IMAP server.

    Thanks in advance for any tips!

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  • Author
  • #27772


    Following up, it looks like I’m facing two different problems:

    1. Background processes are not running, in general. I’ve seen bits & pieces of fixes, but wondering if there is detailed documentation on how to fix this? As stated earlier, I’m running on a Bitnami stack that was supposedly tested and working perfectly, but clearly this is not the case. My guess is they didn’t realize the background jobs changed with OroCRM 2.x.

    2. Running manually:
    php console oro:message-queue:consume -vvv
    and things started to happen. The System > Jobs list begins to get populated.

    However, I get the following exception, I have no idea how to fix it:

    The email synchronization failed for the following origins: 2.


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