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Configure MailChimp Integration

Install Extension

To configure MailChimp integration, ensure that you have MailChimp extension installed in your instance of OroCRM. For installation instructions, click here.

SaaS users should have MailChimp preinstalled.

Configure Integration on the MailChimp Side

To configure integration with OroCRM on the MailChimp side, you need to create an API key. To do that:

  1. Login to MailChimp.

  2. Navigate to your name in the upper right corner.

  3. Select Account.


  4. Go to Extras.

  5. Click API keys.


  6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and press Create a Key.


  7. A newly created key will appear at the top of the list. Copy the key.


Configure Integration on the OroCRM Side

  1. Log into OroCRM and navigate to System>Integrations>Manage Integrations.


  2. Click Create Integration in the top right corner.


  3. Next, complete the following fields:

    TypeAmong other third-party services, choose MailChimp as this is the integration we are configuring. A form specific to MailChimp will be displayed.
    NameSpecify the integration Name as it will be referred to within OroCRM
    API KeyPaste the API key you copied in your MailChimp account. Click Check Connection. Everything’s Chimpy means that the connection was successful and you are now authorized.
    Activity Update IntervalNow set the Activity Update Interval to a period you plan to run your campaign for. This should be set based on the length of your campaign and data storage requirements specific to your instance in OroCRM.
    StatusActive or Inactive. By default, Status is set to Active.
    OwnerThe Owner determines the list of users who can manage the integration and the data synchronized with it. This means that the owner receives the data produced by the email campaign. All Entities imported within the integration will be assigned to the selected user. It is suggested to select a marketing rep as the owner.
    Enable Two Way SyncUse this section to enable or disable two-way synchronization. By default, Enable Two Way Sync is unchecked. If it remains unchecked, unsubscribes will pass from MailChimp to OroCRM. If enabled, subscription status can be passed from OroCRM to MailCHimp and the other way around.
    Sync Priority:Remote Wins means that the MailChimp will be considered the master and override conflicts with the OroCRM. Local Wins means that local data will be the master and override any conflicts with MailChimp.


4. Once all the details of the integration have been specified, click Save and Close. The integration has been successfully configured and will now appear in the integration grid.

Sync Integration

In order to sync your integration:

  1. Navigate to System>Integrations>Manage Integrations.
  2. Select your newly created integration.
  3. Click Schedule Sync in the top right corner.


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