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Training Thursday: Creating Organizations and Business Units in OroCRM

May 4, 2017 | Oro Team

In today’s Training Thursday session, we present a new OroCRM tutorial video available in our Media library. The video discusses how companies can replicate and digitize their business structure into  OroCRM entities like Organization and Business Units.

In this video, you will:

  • Learn how Organizations, Business Units, and Child Business Units are defined
  • Find out how to configure a new top-tier organization and create and assign business units to it

Now let’s discuss in more detail How to Create Organizations and Business Units.

In OroCRM, Organization is the top-level grouping for system permissions. You can configure different roles and permissions for different organization records. These records represent a group of users belonging to the same enterprise, business, commerce or another organization. Organization also has a parent relationship to Business Unit – a system entity with records representing a group of users who share the same business, administrative tasks, or roles.

Within the application, it’s possible to create as many organizations and business units as required. Business Units stand for a business division or a team and get organized into a tree-like structure representing the actual business in their child business units.

business org structure

In our example, Acme Big Toy Company (Organization) has three stores (Business Units) residing under it – each with three departments (Child Business Units)

Users belonging to a certain business unit are only authorized to access and manage data created within their specific business unit. These granular access controls promote information security to ensure important data is only accessible by relevant users. For example, sales representatives should only be able to access relevant entities like leads, opportunities, and accounts while marketing reps should only have access to marketing lists and campaigns.

We hope today’s video comes in handy when building your company’s hierarchical structure within OroCRM.

Stay tuned for the next batch of OroCRM tutorials as we cover other important features. If you’d like us to capture a how-to video explaining a specific functionality, leave a request below or post in one of our forums.

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